Report by public relation of Intenrational YaghootRooyan Holding C.E.O of this company Dr.Seyed Hossein Etemadi Monfared give notice of Asal Daroo Kish Group one of the subset of YaghootRooyan Holding success about production of L-Carnitine chewable tablet in country with competition capability with its counterpart out of Iran and said:

Production and formulation research project of L.Carnitine were agenda of SepidTeb Pharmacy Co by managmet of Dr.Roya Pourshaghaghi and order of Asal Daroo Kish Co that by 24 hours hardworking of expertise of this company and using high quality European ingredients by unique pharmaceutical formulation (chewable) coincidence with Holy celebration of prophet Mohammad birthday, mass production of this product started and distribution of it has done simultaneously with happy decade of Fajr for the first time in Iran it is notable the production process of this supplement is according to latest global standards in Europe and also compliance with global protocol GMP.

Also Dr.Etemadi reminds that:

Production of this tablet supplement is one of the golden awards of International Yaghootrooyan Holding, this tablet will be useful in weight losing and increasing energy, agenda of final phase of this project is exporting it to other countries. 

Dr.Etemadi added:

One of the important points which pharmacy and medical society should pay attention on is moralities and unfortunately is one of the weak points about health services providers, moralities is not just having good behavior in their communication with people there are so many morality codes from scientific and technical point of views which are important in giving services to people.

In total should move toward such look that economical and income look in medical and pharmaceutical care being replaced by giving morality services to people and get their satisfaction and therapy people should be priority ,just in this way can get perfection in health field, hence one of work and morality standards in Yaghootrooyan in all its activities was and will be base on propagation and facilitate fairness in people therapy field because shortage of drug or nonconformity of human justice bases I this field for any reason in country means increasing people death and illness in this country .

Therefore countries must improve their capabilities in producing and providing strategic and nonstrategic drugs .