A recent study presented at the Gerontological Society of America's 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting shows that a combination of vitamins and nutriceuticals improves memory and cognitive performance in community-dwelling adults.

A team of researchers at the University of Massachusetts Lowell tested the efficacy of a specially designed formulation on cognitive performance in healthy adults. The nutriceutical formulation includes vitamin B12, folate, vitamin E, S-Adenosyl L-methionine (SAM-e), Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC).

Study participants were randomly assigned to receive either the nutriceutical formulation or the placebo. Using standardized cognitive tests, the researchers concluded that the nutriceutical formulation can improve cognitive performance in healthy adults.

The standardized cognitive tests assessed for changes for simple memory (Digit-Recall test and CVLT II) and executive function (Trail-making test). The researchers concluded that the nutriceutical formulation enhances cognitive performance in healthy adults based on the statistically significant improvements in their scores. In addition, participants declined to their baseline performance level when the nutriceutical formulation was discontinued and achieved similar improvement following resumption of the nutriceutical formulation. The research team concluded that continued consumption of the nutriceutical formulation is required to maintain the beneficial cognitive effects.

"These findings suggest that people taking the nutriceutical formulation on a regular basis may be able to carry out complex mental tasks more quickly and more efficiently," said Dr. Ruth Remington from the University of Massachusetts Lowell team. "This is very exciting news in the area of cognitive health and shows an approach that healthy adults can take to stay sharp as they age," she continued.

Study participants were adults with no known dementia or clinical memory conditions. This is particularly noteworthy because, while this combination of vitamins and nutriceuticals has demonstrated effectiveness for cognitive health in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or dementia, this study shows a positive effect in individuals with no known memory problems.